survival stockpile
By Arsenio Toledo
Rural prepping: Why you should bug out to a small town
When disaster strikes, large numbers of people are going to bug-out of cities and other densely populated areas. Many preppers will make their way to cabins and other hideouts in sparsely populated and secluded areas. While this is not a bad idea for preppers that have homesteads to go to, not every prepper can afford […]
By Zoey Sky
Prepping basics: 6 Tips that will help newbies survive when SHTF
Like any other endeavor, prepping is best approached with a plan in mind. If you’re overwhelmed by prepping, survival and getting ready before SHTF, start with the basics: Draft your plan, prepare a budget and get your whole family on board as you start to prep.(h/t to Start with your finances Learning how to […]
By Zoey Sky
Prep before it’s too late: Important prepping lessons to learn from the coronavirus pandemic
If you’re an experienced prepper, you probably finished setting up your gear and a survival stockpile as early as December 2019 when word started spreading about a disease called coronavirus (COVID-19). Now, as the world continues to struggle because of this fast-spreading disease, even non-preppers may be inspired to start prepping to get ready for the […]
By Zoey Sky
Mayor de Blasio urges New Yorkers to remain calm and stop coronavirus “panic” buying
Preppers knew it was coming, but even the American government downplayed the gravity of the coronavirus cases reported in the country. Instead of gradually setting up their preps before SHTF, citizens are only now heading to stores as panic-buying fever grips the nation. On March 12, Mayor Bill de Blasio declared a state of emergency […]
By Zoey Sky
Kirkland, Washington residents still reeling from coronavirus – stores running out of stock, firefighters remain quarantined
As coronavirus (COVID-19) sweeps across America, residents of all 50 states cope with the spread of the disease in their own ways. In Kirkland, Washington, parents try to protect their children by keeping them at home instead of letting them play outside. Over two dozen firefighters are still in quarantine in the city. Life in Kirkland has […]
By Zoey Sky
Coronavirus fears continue to spark panic buying of isopropyl alcohol and hand sanitizer across the USA
If you haven’t prepped your survival stockpile ahead of time, you’re out of luck: Mountain Falls’ 91% Isopropyl Alcohol is currently unavailable on the Amazon store. As COVID-19 continues to spread, shoppers become more desperate to get their hands on the product, which is a first aid antiseptic and topical antimicrobial. According to the product’s page […]
By Darnel Fernandez
4 Crucial factors that affect the shelf life of food in your survival stockpile
Building up a food stockpile is one of the basics of prepping. People who are new to the preparedness lifestyle may find the process of food storage overwhelming because of the amount of planning and effort involved. However, like in all aspects of prepping, all you need is a little knowledge to get the job done. […]
By Grace Olson
How to make homemade MREs (Meals Ready-to-Eat ) for your survival stockpile
Food supply is one of the top priorities when preparing for disaster, but convenient sources like grocery stores may become inaccessible when SHTF. In the event of a hurricane or tornado, you’ll need a steady supply of food to sustain you and your family until the conditions outside improve. The key to making sure that […]
By Zoey Sky
These 10 items will come in handy to survive an imminent urban collapse
Urban preppers know that it’s important to own certain survival items, like a crowbar and bolt cutters. With these tools, you can make it through any scenario that may occur in major cities. (h/t to Aside from food and water, you’ll need these 10 prepping items in your survival stockpile when SHTF. These items will be […]
By Zoey Sky
Why coconut oil should be a part of your survival stockpile
Coconut oil is a staple in any prepper’s pantry. Aside from being a shelf stable product, coconut oil is a nutritious substitute for cooking oil. Additionally, coconut oil has various survival uses. (h/t to There are many different types of coconut oil, and two of them include refined or unrefined coconut oil. Refined coconut oil is separated by […]
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