By JD Heyes
Homeland Security plan calls for response to nuclear attack in D.C. that could kill “hundreds of thousands”
As the modern day “military-industrial complex” was being built during the early stages of the Cold War, President Dwight D. Eisenhower was said to be pessimistic about advance planning for any nuclear exchange with what was then the Soviet Union. “In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is […]
By Jayson Veley
Mega forest fires found to be worsened by incompetent government regulation and mismanagement of forests
How many more things have to go wrong in this country before we all agree on the fact that more government isn’t always the answer? Earlier this month, Representative Tom McClintock took to the House floor and argued that effective strategies that were once used to put out wildfires in the early 20th century were […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Insider warns of martial law and millions of deaths when “big one” hits California
The Big One is a hypothetical, long-overdue mega-quake that’s expected to strike the west coast at any time, with California suffering the brunt of the devastation. The idea of a massive earthquake hitting the heavily populated state already conjures up images of rattled people weaving their way through crumbled wreckage. Yet according to one first […]
By Isabelle Z.
FEMA found to be 75 percent ineffective, according to new analysis
The 100-year flood plain maps created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) carry a lot of weight. They are used by insurance companies to predict risk when setting policy terms and premiums, and federal and state officials use them to plan for floods. They must be reasonably accurate to be given such powerful votes […]
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