By Jayson Veley
FEMA director says all Americans should be preppers… where is the apology from the media for mocking preppers and survivalists?
The world is not the same place that it once was. Between North Korea making repeated threats to strike the United States with an EMP or a nuclear missile, Russia continuing its quest to effectively resurrect the Soviet Union by way of force, and tensions with China on the rise as they seize more and […]
By Isabelle Z.
FEMA found to be 75 percent ineffective, according to new analysis
The 100-year flood plain maps created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) carry a lot of weight. They are used by insurance companies to predict risk when setting policy terms and premiums, and federal and state officials use them to plan for floods. They must be reasonably accurate to be given such powerful votes […]
By Tracey Watson
FEMA flood maps exposed as another government LIE … 75% of flooded homes in southeast Houston were OUTSIDE FEMA flood zones
Hurricane Harvey wreaked absolute devastation when it made landfall over Texas in late August of this year. According to AccuWeather, it dumped 11 trillion gallons of rain on Texas – the equivalent of 51 inches – resulting in at least 13 million people being issued flood watches or warnings. Over 3,400 water rescues had to […]
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