News & Articles By RJ Jhonson
By RJ Jhonson
Should you bug out in the city or the country if SHTF?
Where do you go when SHTF? Supposing you find yourself in the middle of a total collapse, settling down in one area just might be your best shot at surviving the challenges ahead. But should you live in the city or should you go to the country? A lot of people think bugging out is […]
By RJ Jhonson
How to successfully bug out with your family
As a prepper, you need to be constantly prepared for the prospect of bugging out. While the core idea of bugging out is simple enough – avoid danger by leaving your position – actually executing it is not as simple as it seems, especially if you have a family. The first step in a successful […]
By RJ Jhonson
Here are some man-tracking techniques to help you find fellow humans after SHTF
Finding other humans, whether it’s to cooperate with them or some other purpose, may not be as easy as tracking animals. Unlike animals, humans can actually cover their tracks and will put a lot of thought into their hiding place. Learning and using man-tracking techniques will make the task much easier for you. (h/t to […]
By RJ Jhonson
Simple techniques to find groundwater
Water is crucial to human survival. As a prepper or homestead owner, one of the essential skills you can develop is finding and collecting groundwater. If you are unsure about your ability to find water and dig wells, don’t worry – you can always learn from the experts. (h/t to Unless you’re bugging out […]
By RJ Jhonson
Situational awareness lessons that can save your life
It’s not your stash or your equipment that make you a prepper. More than having your stockpile, possessing the right mindset is an important aspect of being prepared. One of the most important mental qualities you need to achieve is situational awareness. Many preppers tend to think that preparation is having the right gear, with […]
By RJ Jhonson
How to bug out in your car
If staying put is not an option once and after SHTF, then you’ll need to be ready to bug out in your car – at least until you reach a secure location. Follow these tips to ensure that your bug out journey is a safe and successful one. (h/t to Prepping your vehicle Your car […]
By RJ Jhonson
Where should you be if you want to be least exposed to the dangers of an EMP attack?
A lot has been said about the threat of an EMP attack, but are you sure you’re prepared enough for it? After all, considering the damage it can bring upon civilization as you know it, it’s not the type of calamity you’d want to be caught in at the wrong place and time. There was […]
By RJ Jhonson
Thinking ahead: What would really happen after SHTF?
When SHTF, being realistic can be just as important to your survival as preparing the right food, equipment, or shelter. After all, false expectations can divert your attention from the things that matter and the events that will have a significant impact on your life. The following, for instance, are myths many preppers believe but […]
By RJ Jhonson
Don’t make these common survival mistakes
When you are in the wilderness or in a SHTF situation, your chances of survival may depend on what you do – and what you don’t do. Avoid these mistakes at all costs. Not finding water Dehydration could be one of your worst enemies, particularly if you are in an area with high temperatures. According […]
By RJ Jhonson
9 Skills every prepper must master
Being prepared for when SHTF takes more than having the right equipment. You need to prepare yourself, too. Mastering the following skills as soon as possible will help you become the most effective prepper you can be. (h/t to Constructing a survival shelter Never underestimate the value of a roof over your head when you […]
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