News & Articles By Jessica Dolores
By Jessica Dolores
How to survive a tornado if you don’t have a shelter or basement
Every year, tornadoes claim the lives of 60 people, on average, who die from the airborne debris they bring. Besides causing massive grief, this natural disaster also destroys homes and properties, and disrupts normal activities in businesses and schools. Some can seek shelter in their home basement when a tornado threatens life and property. But […]
By Jessica Dolores
Prepping on a budget? Simple preps you can achieve with limited cash
Being low on cash should not mean being low on preparedness. You can do many things to make sure you’re not caught unawares when disaster strikes when you least expect it. Here are some low-cost preps you can do. (h/t to Honing your skills – Sharpen your skills in map reading should you need to […]
By Jessica Dolores
Pet prepping: Emergency treatments you should learn, just in case
Pets and their unconditional love make them indispensable. They’re family. Their joys and pains are ours as well. Lucky is the pet owner with a background in veterinary medicine to help him when accidents and emergencies happen to their beloved pooch. But most owners are lost when something bad happens to their pet. They don’t […]
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